What is "Know Your Neighbours"?

"Know Your Neighbours" is a grass-roots community group in Seal, near Sevenoaks in Kent. The group is made up of anyone in the village who wants to get involved - individuals, clubs and societies, businesses, church and schools, parish council,and many others.
We organise local events through the year - fetes, street parties, Christmas events etc. - and we hold social gatherings, just so that people can get to "know their neighbours". There's no "committee" - anyone who turns up for meetings is welcome to help in any way they are able.
IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO KNOW MORE, OR BE ADDED TO THE EMAIL LIST, contact Marion Gilchrist , who coordinates the group, or Anne Le Bas, who maintains this blog.
This Blog will be archived from July 7 2024 following the retirement of Rev Anne Le Bas who has maintained it. Know Your Neighbours will continue however. Please email Marion if you would like to know more!

Tuesday, 21 September 2021

St Peter and St Paul, Seal: Seal Scarecrows are back!

 David is taking on Goliath in Seal Churchyard this year. For all his impressive armour and that sharp spear, I know who my money is on...
Join in with our annual scarecrow festival. All scarecrows welcome! If you make a scarecrow, let Marion know (marionjgilchrist@gmail.com) so she can put it on the list for the scarecrow trail.

Sunday, 19 September 2021

Neighbourhood news from the KYN network: Sept 19

 Welcome to this week’s Know Your Neighbours Update.

Hopefully, everybody is settling down now to a new kind of normality, and we are all beginning to navigate our way around our own normality. Somebody will tell me what mine is one day!
So - on to this week's village news as we know it.

Please join in with our Scarecrow Festival this year. There is no competition this year - just a bit of fun! Plan, design and display your scarecrow outside your home, or another agreed space in the village. Please contact me if you are stuck for ideas of where to display. Then - email me the address of where your scarecrow will be residing and his or her name. That way, I can compile a list so that people can walk and hunt the scarecrows!
They may not all be up yet but -
So far we know we will have:-
1 BillorBen outside Bretaneby (opp School Lane) High Street
2 Monty 12a High Street
3 Gnome Alone 20 High Street
4 Lottie Litter Picker 15 Bentleys Meadow

Hope there will be lots more next week!

Our Seal Over 60’s Group meets every second Saturday of each month from 2.30-4pm. Some of those attending this group, are dependent on volunteer drivers to transport them to and from the Village Hall. If you are a driver, snd could spare a couple of hours 2 or 3 times a year, to help with this, please contact Barbara Martin on 07775861562 or email her on barbara.s.martin@btconnect.com


The date for the sale of our 4 beautifully crafted carver chairs , 2 side chairs and the guide wheel, is up.
As we still have the guide wheel, 1 carver and the side chairs, they are being put on local sites for sale. The proceeds so far are £375 for Seal Church, so a huge thank you to Patrick Coffey for such a generous donation.
I will report back on the final amount when they are sold.

The history walk on 12th September was such a lovely event. The feedback was so positive and we would like to thank David Williams for giving of his time and sharing his knowledge . The second of his walks on 26th, is fully booked, but if you would like to follow David’s route a guide book will soon be available from September 27th at Deniz’s in the High Street, or Highland Printing in Church Farm. The cost is £5 per book.

Please join us for a cuppa, to chat about what goes on now in our village, and what you’d like to see in the future, along with how we might achieve this? Watch this space

There will be a Christmas Bazaar in Seal Village Hall on Sunday November 21st from 10.30am-3pm. Please keep this date, and more information will follow soon.
Please note - any Covid restrictions at that time, will be followed.
There will be a family party to celebrate the turning on of our village Christmas lights, on Saturday December 4th from 3pm with lights on at 4.30pm. More details to follow.
Please note:- any Covid restrictions at the time, will be followed.

BUT BEFORE THE PARTY…….We will need the usual help to get our lights up please! If you can help on Saturday November 27th, between 9am and midday, please let me know by responding to this email. Hopefully, we will be able to get these up in record time this year! Obviously, the more help, the quicker we will be, and there is always the incentive of a good coffee and a bacon sandwich to ‘reel you all in’. Seriously, this is always a fun morning, and a great opportunity to meet neighbours while doing a great job of cheering our village. We are hoping to stretch a little further up the High Street this year, so if we could get some volunteers from High Street residents,between Park Lane and East Point and between Church Street and the old Copper Kettle, that would be great!


Monday afternoons between 2pm and 3.30 in Deniz's on the High Street. But a cup of tea or coffee and join us on the Talking Village table, for a chat and to make new friends, or catch up with old ones!

Meets each Friday morning in the Church Hall between 10am and midday. Coffee, chat, by all means, bring your crafting with you but mostly, enjoy the company.

 in Seal Church Hall
£2 per session pre schoolers and parents/Carers Monday mornings 9.30-11.30 tea drinks snacks for children art activities singing.

Meets in Seal Village Hall on Thursday afternoons.
Due to limited space there are no spaces for more members of this club at present, but there are opportunities to share ideas and experiences to help you and your friends set up your own.

YES! Most of us have some lockdown pounds to eliminate! Why not give Slimming World a try?
Seal Village Hall Monday evenings at 7pm. Call Lorraine on 0774086058


The adult choir is looking for new members, so if you fancy popping along to a practice on a Wednesday evening between 7.30 and 8.30 pm, please contact sealpandp@gmail.com

The childrens' choir meets at Seal Church Hall from 5pm-5.30pm every Wednesday. Contact as above.

Seal Over 60s afternoon teas will be starting up again on Saturday October 9th and every 2nd Saturday of each month following, from 2.30-4pm at Seal Village Hall.£3 per head for a lovely tea. ALL ARE WELCOME. Come along and join us to meet new friends and old ones, for a chat.

For more information call Chris on 07759808814.

SHORT MAT BOWLS CLUB Thursday evenings Seal Village Hall contact Alan Davies jandadavies@hotmail.co.uk


Please contact 9thgsl@sevenoaks.scouts.org.uk for current info during the pandemic.

THE PAVILION RESTAURANT AT WILDERNESSE HOUSE, is now open as below:- These hours will change again, after the launch, but in the meantime -

Their opening hours are as follows:-

Mondays and Tuesdays - closed
Wednesdays and Thursdays - 11am - 6pm.
Fridays and Saturdays - 11am - 8pm
Sundays - 11am - 3pm.

Outside business hours, please email bookings@thepavilionrestaurant.co.uk, or leave a message on 01732 445690. There is a sample menu on the Wildernesse House website.

Our library in Seal is back! We welcome Jillian Marsch, our new librarian, who is keen to get all the normal activities back up and running!
Opening hours - Tuesdays 2pm - 5pm, Thursdays 10am - 1pm, Fridays 10am-3pm and Saturdays, 10am - 2pm.

Any unused laptops for use of Seal School learners - please contact me and I will collect and deliver to Derek, our IT guru,  for cleansing and prep for use. (Thank you as always Derek).

Church Hall bookings - Maggie Fox - 01732 762840
Village Hall bookings - Gerry Froggatt - 01959 522545

Friday Group - Meets at 10.30-midday on Friday mornings in Seal Church Hall. Please pop in for a cup of tea or coffee and a chat.

Recipes for Lockdown Recipe Book - please send to me via this email address.

Dance For Fun Classes - Village Hall - 10.30am - contact Luci 07748 008431.

Short Mat Bowls Tuesday evenings Village Hall - contact Alan Davies jandadavies@hotmail.co.uk or call into the Village Hall at 6.15pm on a Thursday evening.

If you are planning, or already running, some activity in Seal, that you would like to share with us, please contact me, and I will do my best to spread the word.
We are hoping to get some welcome cards printed to welcome people into the village as they move in to their new homes. This may take a while, but as always - 
If you have new neighbours, or are aware of new people moving into the village, please mention KYN and ask if they would like to be added to the circulation list.

Meanwhile, have a great week.
Best Wishes,

Marion (On behalf of Seal Know Your Neighbours).

Friday, 3 September 2021

KYN newsletter September 3

 Welcome to this week's Know Your Neighbours update.

This morning, we held the Know Your Neighbours 100 Club draw, at the Friday Group in the Church Hall. This month, once again, we were drawing from 63 numbers, giving a first prize of £100 and a 2nd prize of £60. This leaves £160 this month, in the Seal Village Fund. This fund is used to support local projects and non profit making organisatins within our community. If you would like to join this scheme, it costs £5 per number each calendar month, and the draws take place every first Friday of each month in a public arena. (Generally the Friday Group, as there are always a good number of people present). Just contact me via this email address and I will send you joining instructions.
This month our winners are:-
No 12 Annie Lewis
No 15 Arthur Critcher

The Over 60's afternoon teas, will star up again on Saturday October 9th, and each 2nd Saturday of the month from then. The meetings take place in the Village Hall from 2.30pm - 4pm and a lovely tea is provided for just £3 per head. ALL ARE WELCOME! Do come along and meet new friends and catch up with old ones.
For more information, please call Chris 0n 07759 808814.


As so often happens, these things become a bit skewed, so we now have 3 spaces on the walk on September 12th and all spaces on 26th, have been booked. If you wish to join the walk on Sunday September 12th, please book your place via this email address. We will meet at The Village Hall at 11.30 for a pre-walk coffee and chat with David Williams, our local historian, who will be conducting the walk. The walk starts at 12 midday and lasts approximately 1 hour. You will learn a lot about the history of many of our village buildings. We would like to thank David for giving us this opportunity yet again, and for donating all the profits to the Seal Village Fund. We would also like to thank Seal Village Hall Management Committee for letting us use the hall.


As I have mentioned the last couple of weeks, we have some beautiful hand crafted carver chairs and side chairs for sale, with proceeds going to St Peter and St Paul Church Seal. (4 carvers and 2 side chairs). These have been made by a very talented local craftsman, Patrick Coffey. They have never been used and are all crafted from locally resourced timber. These are being sold by 'silent auction'. This means that any of you may bid on these pieces of furniture. I did send out some photographs a couple of weeks ago, but I'm aware some of you wouldn't have received those as the system objected to my enthusiasm to get them out. If you would like to see the items, please let me know via this e mail and I will send the images out individually. We do have some bids, which are as follows:-
1 x carver £250
1 x carver £75
1 x carver £50

If you would like to bid on the other carver, or the side chairs, please contact me and I shall add your bid to the pot. Clearly, you are able to put in higher bids than those already received for those already in. Basically, the highest bids secures the item. Whoever purchase these items, will be responsible for collection.
The final date for this silent auction is September 11th and all final bids will be announced in this newsletter on September 17th.
1 x beautiful tenor guide wheel originally from the church bell tower and some mid century pews which are being removed from the church.   If you would like to purchase a little of Seal church's history, please contact me and I will pit you in touch with the right people.

Starts back every Monday from 2pm - 3.30pm at Deniz's on Seal High Street from Monday September 20th..
We also hope to  be holding monthly sessions to start with, at Seal Library, on the first Saturday of each month from 10am - 11am starting Saturday October 2nd. At this time, extra activities are still suspended in libraries, but we are working with Jillian to ba able to jump back in as soon as we can, and believe October may be viable. 
Talking Village is a project that was set up a couple of years ago now, so that anybody can come along and join a table of people ready for a chat, whether you know each other or not. This is an opportunity to meet new people and to pop out for a drink, and know that somebody else will be there to chat with. Please join us at either of these venues, and watch out for more opportunities as normality progresses! 


Autumn in Seal would just not be the same, without a display of scarecrows throughout the village. There is no competition this year - just lots of fun - for those planning, making and displaying, and for those passing through the village, watching the strange beings grow in number. Please do take part. Display your sacrecrow outside your own home, or another space agreed by whoever owns the land you wish to use. If you are stuck for a space, let me know through this email and we can help you find a suitable spot. When you have put your scarecrow up, please let me know his or her name, and the address they will be living in for the month or however long during that period. This way, I can compile a list, and send it out so that people have the opportunity to see all your creations.


Deniz's Mondays from 2pm - 3.30pm weekly
Seal Library Saturday 10-11am Monthly (first Saturday of each month).

THE PAVILION RESTAURANT AT WILDERNESSE HOUSE, is now open as below:- These hours will change again, after the launch, but in the meantime -

Their opening hours are as follows:-

Mondays and Tuesdays - closed
Wednesdays and Thursdays - 11am - 6pm.
Fridays and Saturdays - 11am - 8pm
Sundays - 11am - 3pm.

Outside business hours, please email bookings@thepavilionrestaurant.co.uk, or leave a message on 01732 445690. There is a sample menu on the Wildernesse House website.


The open days are now available to book by using the following link. If you know of anybody who would love to visit the farm, but has no internet access, please put them in touch with me, and I will help them book.

We are open and live for booking!
Please see the ðŸŒŸNEW🌟 farm website and book from there.

This is excellent value at just £4 per adult and £2 per child. A great way to get some insight into this amazing school project. BUT - book quickly - spaces are now quite limited, as this is an activity which has already been enjoyed by many, and they are spreading the word!

Our library in Seal is back! We welcome Jillian Marsch, our new librarian, who is keen to get all the normal activities back up and running!
Opening hours - Tuesdays 2pm - 5pm, Thursdays 10am - 1pm, Fridays 10am-3pm and Saturdays, 10am - 2pm.

Any unused laptops for use of Seal School learners - please contact me and I will collect and deliver to Derek, our IT guru,  for cleansing and prep for use. (Thank you as always Derek).

Church Hall bookings - Maggie Fox - 01732 762840
Village Hall bookings - Gerry Froggatt - 01959 522545

Friday Group - Meets at 10.30-midday on Friday mornings in Seal Church Hall. Please pop in for a cup of tea or coffee and a chat.

Recipes for Lockdown Recipe Book - please send to me via this email address.

Dance For Fun Classes - Village Hall - 10.30am - contact Luci 07748 008431.

Short Mat Bowls Tuesday evenings Village Hall - contact Alan Davies jandadavies@hotmail.co.uk or call into the Village Hall at 6.15pm on a Thursday evening.

If you are planning, or already running, some activity in Seal, that you would like to share with us, please contact me, and I will do my best to spread the word.
We are hoping to get some welcome cards printed to welcome people into the village as they move in to their new homes. This may take a while, but as always - 
If you have new neighbours, or are aware of new people moving into the village, please mention KYN and ask if they would like to be added to the circulation list.

Meanwhile, have a great week.
Best Wishes,

Marion (On behalf of Seal Know Your Neighbours).